People affected by unpleasant breath find it an embarrassing affliction to live with. It can affect personal and professional relationships, where people may consider you unhygienic and make poor judgements about you.

If you’re tired of covering up less-than-fresh breath with mints or gum, and only finding temporary solutions to a persistent issue, it might be time to check in with our dentist in Hastings to identify its origin.
In this article, we’ll be discussing the possible causes of the problem, and potential resolutions - it may be more straightforward to treat than you think!
Brushing your teeth
By not brushing your teeth regularly, plaque quickly builds up, leading to their unsightly appearance, decay, and bad breath.
Food trapped between your teeth that’s not removed quickly begins to rot, thus contributing to the unpleasantness.
Adhering to dental hygiene best practices means brushing your teeth frequently and correctly, using techniques demonstrated to you by our dentists, and if you follow them you might start to notice improvements.
Mouthwash does more than mask bad morning breath, it also provides extra protection against germs that cause bad breath and deterioration.
By rinsing with mouth rinse daily, you’re treating the source of the problem.
Scrape your tongue
Halitosis, referred to as chronic bad breath, happens when germs collect on the back of the tongue, a drier surface that offers ideal living conditions for germs.
Although being home to innumerable bacteria, many people neglect to clean this region of the mouth.
A tongue scraper removes dead cells, bacteria, and old food from the tongue and can be used if your brush can’t reach these spaces. However, these days, some toothbrushes have inbuilt scrapers. Ask your dentist in Hastings at Warrior Square Dental Practice for recommendations!
Manage gum disease
Gum diseases occur when bacteria collect in deep pockets at the base of your teeth, attacking your gums while releasing a nasty odour.
Professional teething cleaning or antibiotics may be used to treat gum infections, depending on the severity of the issue. You won’t be plagued by lingering breath over time.
Bad breath can result from a lack of saliva production. If your mouth feels dry or you’re thirsty, drink water.
Dry mouth can also be a symptom of specific health conditions, for example, diabetes or a stroke. For a diagnosis and treatment, make an appointment with your general practitioner urgently.
There are several good reasons for you to quit smoking, it’s terrible for your health, damaging to your gums, and smells terrible.
If you’re a smoker, you’ve probably tried to mask the smell to no avail. Giving up the habit will lead to better-smelling breath.
Avoid certain foods
Garlic is known to have numerous health benefits. One thing it does not help with, however, is freshening breath.
Garlic is a big offender that sours the breath. So if you don’t want to scare your date, maybe ease up on the garlic a little, onions too.
Visit the dentist frequently
Bad breath indicates that you’re neglecting your oral health but it can be dealt with efficiently. Visit our dentist in Hastings frequently to work out what the issue is, and to diagnose dental problems that could be costly and painful to treat later.